Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Letters and Diaries from the Yesteryear

Reading the letters of John Keats and Andy Warhol's diary entries, I can't help but to realize how technology have evolved from handwriting on papers to typing on the keyboard of the computer or mobile devices. Writing a letter would be similar to sending an e-mail while diaries are akin to blogs, Facebook or even Twitter.

The world we live in is getting more advanced, and we want faster replies. Sending a mail would take a longer time than an e-mail with just a click away. Talking about daily activities now can be done in front of the computer or on the smartphone easily and people can even comment on our entries on the spot. Change is good, but future generations would miss out a lot too.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A tale of greed and dissatisfaction

This tale tells a story about dissatisfaction and greed. Hans Dudeldee who is an honest and hardworking fisherman, was granted wishes by a fish. Instead of being thankful of what they they have received, his wife became greedier and kept wanting more. In the end their life was back to what it was before.

*after reading this tale, this text was used for my student's story telling competition.

Hanns Dudeldee

Germany, Albert Ludewig Grimm

A long time ago, many hundreds of years ago, there lived a fisherman with his wife. His name was Dudeldee. They were so poor that they did not have a real house, but lived in a hut made of boards without any windows. They looked out through the knot holes. In spite all this, Dudeldee was satisfied, but not his wife. She wished for this or that and constantly tormented her husband because he could not give it to her.
Dudeldee usually said nothing, thinking only to himself, "If only I were rich," or "If only I could have everything I wished for."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fables, Tales, Myths and Legends

Fable is a fictitious narrative or statement as
  • a legendary story of supernatural happenings
  • a narration intended to enforce a useful truth; especially : one in which animals speak and act like human beings
Tale is a literary composition
  • that has the form of such a narrative.
  • that relates the details of some real or imaginary event, incident, or case; story